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On Friday, November 29, students in Years 4 - 6 attended the annual House Swimming Carnival at the Klim Swim Centre in Sandringham. Races included freestyle, backstroke, breastroke and butterfly and the students competed in their individual age groups as well as in their designated houses. Hosking, Thomas, Landcox and Milroy were all well represented, but it was Thomas House who took out the honours on the day. Students winning with fast times in their individual heats then went on to compete against other schools in the District Championships and then the State Championships if successful.  


On Wednesday, October 23, Gardenvale Primary School celebrated a whole school Japanese Day. The entire school was divided into 30 multi-age groups and through the course of the day, each class particpated in such activities as a costume parade, making hachimaki headbands, making Ninja origami spinners, Taiko drumming, Japanese videos on sushi making and chopstick games to name a few. One of the highlights was a sushi lunch enjoyed by all and everyone agreed that it was a fabulous celebration of Japanese language and culture at our school. Arigato Sensei Naoko for your incredible contribution.   


On Friday, October 18, Gardenvale Primary School held a disco for the whole school in the Junior School hall, based on the theme of "Outer Space!". For Year Prep - Year 2 students, their disco was from 5pm - 7pm and Year 3 - Year 6 were from 7pm - 9pm. Apart from dancing with music provided by a DJ, students participated in a range of activities which included arts/craft tasks, face painting, fake tattoos, a photo booth, making door hangers and creating jewelled glasses. There were also lucky dips, lolly bags, icecream sandwiches, popcorn and a range of hot foods as well. Parents from Year Prep and Year two were the masterminds behind this outstanding event, which was enjoyed by everyone who attended! Overseeing the activities and the cleaning up was our ever smiling and hardworking PFA President, Robyn Krawitz. What a fabulous night of fun!


At the end of Term 3, Gardenvale Primary School presented their biannual musical titled, "EUREKA!", set during the gold rush. Held over three nights (including one matinee), at the Alexander Theatre, Monash University, students in Year 5 and Year 6 presented a brilliant show. Junior and middle school choirs also participated, as did students from each year level throughout the school. The script and music score was written by staff at Gardenvale Primary School and the productiom was a culmination of a term's effort. Another fabulous accomplishment that our senior students in particular, will remember for the rest of their lives!